Chicken Panang Curry Recipe

Chicken Panang Curry

One of the best things about being a chef is when you try something new at a restaurant your mind suddenly begins to re construct it in your head and the ingredients start dancing in front of you! (probably not literally!)

I love making this Chicken Panang Curry but I threw in a few things which is probably a no no to Thai Cuisine! I added lots of fried beancurd, bokhoy and diluted the spice with more coconut cream!(more for my better half to enjoy)One of my favorite go to Curry is Chicken Panang. I love how versatile this dish is because you can literally throw anything on this dish and it would still come out wonderful!

What is so wonderful about this recipe is that you can change it, you can easily make a huge batch of this and keep this for a few days or you can freeze half and then simply re heat for the next week!

This recipe is good for about four serves and you can substitute this with other protein sources such as beef, pork or tofu! You can also add other vegetables such as bokchoy, green beans and chickpeas!


  • 5 tablespoons Panang curry paste
  • cooking oil
  • 4 cups coconut milk
  • 300 gms boneless chicken breast, cubed
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons fish sauce
  • 6 kaffir lime leaves
  • chili peppers optional
  • fresh Thai basil leaves


Fry the curry paste in a pan until you can visibly see the oil and you can smell how good it is! You can easily buy this in your asian section in the grocery (I live in Australia!) or you can source it out in any Asian groceries! One jar would make several batches! Once you can smell the wonderful curry stir in the coconut oil and simmer this. Be careful with overboiling as the coconut milk will separate and curd. Add the chicken and cook for about 20 minutes. You can then add other protein sources, I sometimes use fish and tofu and it works very well! Stir in the rest of the ingredients such as fish sauce sugar and kaffir leaves. You can add thai basil and chili if you prefer! I would then add some of the vegetables. Serve with rice!

Nutrition Facts

Per Serving:600 calories; protein 25g carbohydrates 20g fat 55g