Starting Your Meal Prep

A Beginner's Guide To Meal Preparation

Meal prepping will allow you to save time because you only need to prepare once or twice a week for the entire week’s meals. I usually have all my weekday meals prepped in advanced so I can have a stress-free week! This reduces waste and temptation to go over your nutritional plans (If your goal is to reduce or increase calorie) or to go over your allocated budget. There is nothing more tempting than to stand around in a grocery hungry and picking out everything you wanted to cook for the night. Or sitting down after a busy day wanting to just order takeaways because there is no meal prepped for the night. If you allow yourself a time to prepare all the meals in advance, you eliminate this temptation, and you stick to your goals.

There are a few things to consider before you start meal prepping:

1. Time (How much time would you like to allot per week?)

2. Budget (How much do you want to spend?)

3. Goals (Are you focusing on convenience or nutrition? Or both?)

4. Who is this for? (For yourself, for you and partner, for family)

5. How do you start? Fortunately, when you purchase Weekday Meal prep Started Kit this will be answered for you.

Once all of this are organized it’s time to get all your equipment ready.

As soon as all those answers are noted it’s time to start creating a meal prep plan:

Let’s start with doubling a recipe that can be eaten for two nights. Then start to multiply that into three. I would normally only triple a recipe that can be heated up easily. If you are the kind of person who can’t stand eating the same thing three times in a row, prep two recipes and try to alternate the two so you don’t end up eating a meal repeatedly.

Here is an example of how to create a Meal Prep Plan:

Protein Focused: protein + carbs + veggies (Salad can be prepped ahead of time)

Protein and Fat Focused: Protein + Vegetables + Fat

Vegan/vegetarian: Legumes/grains + Veggies